Hotel Review

Monday, January 12, 2015

Hotel is not a game that solely relies on its jumpscares. In fact, it's the complete opposite. The slow, driven and foreshadowing backstory sets your mind racing at every step. Much of this is helped by the great use of audio and impeccable atmosphere throughout the game, so gloomy. If it wasn't for the overused story, forgettable character names, and the rushed gameplay the game comprises of, Hotel could've been something truly remarkable. What it leaves is a rushed and clichéd, but captivating game.


Posted by Sxerks3 on January 12, 2015
Hotel's creepy atmosphere, great aesthetics and great ambience is something that many other games on ROBLOX do not.

The Good

  • Creepy atmosphere  
  • Great aesthetics
  • Creepy atmosphere  
  • Good use of audio

The Bad

  • Nonsensical and clichéd story and forgettable characters
  • Rushed gameplay
Hotel is not a game that solely relies on its jumpscares. In fact, it's the complete opposite. The slow, driven and foreshadowing backstory sets your mind racing at every step. Much of this is helped by the great use of audio and impeccable atmosphere throughout the game, so gloomy. If it wasn't for the overused story, forgettable character names, and the rushed gameplay the game comprises of, Hotel could've been something truly remarkable. What it leaves is a rushed and clichéd, but captivating game.
The center of it all is Martin, an "old friend" of an unseen and unheard of character who enjoys their time writing notes to his friend. Called up to meet at their "special place", the game revolves around the seek for vengeance and the act of terror to Martin. The brief introduction leading up to this is all the calm Hotel can muster, because from thereon Martin is being sent into a collision of catastrophe, and somewhat clear story of vengeance.
It's not the best story for a survival horror game. It lacks backstory, nor any traces of that friend. What is the most disappointing is that it is a rushed game, which loses its charm early on. We don't know much about the past of the location, nor the characters and how each character acts. The only time we have any interaction between the main character and that "old friend" is through pieces of paper being scattered around the facility.
So the facility lacks story and context, but it doesn't lack aesthetics. Hotel is built upon an outstanding foundation–the chilling use of light and shadow, the creepy, menacing audio flushes–that merely traversing its environments is enough to make your heart skip a few beats. Whether it makes you explore the bloodied "special place", searching for resources, or entering the weathered setting, the creepy hospital, Hotel transports you through a diverse assortment of rooms that will make you sweat.
The lighting creates the spooky atmosphere of Hotel.
Hotel is a game that has its blunders, but also seems to recover from it. What it does at its core it does so well that all those issues floating on the periphery eventually fade away to reveal a satisfying if slightly blemished return to classic survival horror.
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